Fruit Crops Resilience to Climate Change in the Mediterranean Basin

Workshop on Management, Study, and Exploitation of Genetic Resources of Fruit Tree Crops

February 20-23, Catania and Acireale, Italy


The climatic scenario predicted for the Mediterranean areas poses specific challenges for agricultural productions. The vulnerability of agricultural sectors to the modification of agro-climatic conditions depends on both the expected regional climate change and the sectors’ ability to adapt.

For their perennial status, fruit tree crops are particularly exposed to environmental change. Quality and quantity of fruit productions are strongly affected by genotype x environment interactions.

  • WP1 - Phenotyping for traits relevant to resilient fruit systems production

    WP co-leaders: Iban Eduardo (CRAG), Marco Caruso (CREA)

  • WP2 - Genetic dissection and methods for selection of relevant traits for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses

    WP co-leaders: Veronique Decroocq (INRA-GAFL), Ahmed El Bakkali (INRA-MO)

  • WP3 - Exploitation of local biodiversity and development of pre-breeding materials

    WP co-leaders: Georgios Koubouris (IOSV), Ayzin Kuden (CU)

  • WP4 - Communication, dissemination, training and demonstration

    WP co-leaders: Pavlina Drogoudi (IPB&GR), SihemTellah (ENSA)

  • WP5 - Coordination and project management

    WP leader: Daniele Bassi (UMIL)

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